گزینه هاConclusion
Completion percentage: 46%
Completion percentage: 46%
Completion percentage: 60%
Completion percentage: 60%
Completion percentage: 67%
Completion percentage: 67%
Completion percentage: 18%
Completion percentage: 18%
Completion percentage: 42%
Completion percentage: 42%
Completion percentage: 16%
Completion percentage: 16%
Completion percentage: 44%
Completion percentage: 44%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 37%
Completion percentage: 37%
Completion percentage: 66%
Completion percentage: 66%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 51%
Completion percentage: 51%
Completion percentage: 73%
Completion percentage: 73%
Completion percentage: 36%
Completion percentage: 36%
Things that stood out this year.
Most Adopted Feature
Awarded to the feature with the largest year-over-year ”have used” progression.
With a +18.6% progression in 2020, this was the year CSS Grid crossed over from new technology to established tool.
Runner Ups
2. object-fit: +17.8%
3. Variables: +15.2%
Most Adopted Technology
Awarded to the technology with the largest year-over-year “would use again” progression.
No other tool comes even close to Tailwind CSS's dramatic +17.8% progression over the last year.
Highest Satisfaction
Awarded to the technology with the highest percentage of satisfied users.
PostCSS's 91.4% satisfaction ratio shows that you can't beat doing one thing really, really well.
Highest Interest
Awarded to the technology developers are most interested in learning.
With a 75.1% ratio, CSS Modules have generated the most interest among CSS developers this year.
Most Write-Ins
Awarded to the item with the most write-in answers
Many questions also accepted write-in answers, and with 200 mentions PhpStorm was the most popular item overall.