Completion percentage: 46%
Completion percentage: 46%
Completion percentage: 60%
Completion percentage: 60%
Completion percentage: 67%
Completion percentage: 67%
Completion percentage: 18%
Completion percentage: 18%
Completion percentage: 42%
Completion percentage: 42%
Completion percentage: 16%
Completion percentage: 16%
Completion percentage: 44%
Completion percentage: 44%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 84%
Completion percentage: 37%
Completion percentage: 37%
Completion percentage: 66%
Completion percentage: 66%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 39%
Completion percentage: 51%
Completion percentage: 51%
Completion percentage: 73%
Completion percentage: 73%
Completion percentage: 36%
Completion percentage: 36%
Things that stood out this year.
Most Adopted Feature
Awarded to the feature with the largest year-over-year ”have used” progression.
With a +18.6% progression in 2020, this was the year CSS Grid crossed over from new technology to established tool.
Runner Ups
2. object-fit: +17.8%
3. Variables: +15.2%
Most Adopted Technology
Awarded to the technology with the largest year-over-year “would use again” progression.
No other tool comes even close to Tailwind CSS's dramatic +17.8% progression over the last year.
Highest Satisfaction
Awarded to the technology with the highest percentage of satisfied users.
PostCSS's 91.4% satisfaction ratio shows that you can't beat doing one thing really, really well.
Highest Interest
Awarded to the technology developers are most interested in learning once they know about it.
With a 75.1% ratio, CSS Modules have generated the most interest among CSS developers this year.
Most Write-Ins
Awarded to the item with the most write-in answers
Many questions also accepted write-in answers, and with 200 mentions PhpStorm was the most popular item overall.